A new study has found that those who work from home are happier and more productive than those who work in an office setting.
Forbes recently reported a study by employment survey startup TINYpulse, which investigated the effects of remote work on happiness and productivity. In a surprising twist, remote workers reported that they were happier overall with their situations than workers who reported to an office every day.
The study gathered data from 509 full-time remote workers alongside data from a broader pool of 200,000 employees working in various arrangements.
Working from home allows parents to care for their children, pet owners to properly exercise their dogs with at least one walk per day, and workers to feel more comfortable in general.
With workplace interactions becoming more digitized, working from home isn’t as difficult as it used to be. Most employers have work submitted on a digital platform, and with technological innovations like laptops, tablets, and smartphones, workers are able to do their work from virtually anywhere in the world.
However, this doesn’t stop companies from fearing their employee productivity will decrease if they allow staff members to work from home.
Surprisingly, 91% of workers reported that they were able to get more work done remotely than they would physically working in an office setting.
Even though employees’ assessments of their own work aren’t always reliable, this survey seems to deny the concept that working from home is distracting.
In addition, the survey found that remote workers often felt more valued than their office counterparts, reporting a 7.75 out of 10 satisfaction rating, as compared to the 6.69 out of 10 average of workers across the board.
Of course, there are two sides to everything, which means there are, in fact, negatives to working remotely.
One of the biggest areas where remote workers felt cheated was in their relationships with coworkers. On this issue, remote workers reported a 6.69 out of 10 compared to their counterparts, who reported a 7.75 out of 10.
It seems that more and more companies are giving their employees a work from home option, and for good reason. Despite the personal drawbacks of working remotely, giving employees the autonomy to complete their work in their own space actually does increase productivity and performance.