In this YouTube video, Tina Prisenberg offers tips on how to improve the look of your office with new furniture.
If you are like most businesses, you will need to set a budget for how much you can spend on new office furniture. The main problem in dealing with an office furniture store is that they don’t want to divulge the price upfront. They want you to meet with a sales manager first.
This is not a good way to do business. You should know what type of office furniture you want and how much you are willing to spend before you go shopping.
Office furniture falls into 3 categories: chairs, desks, and workstations.
New chairs, or task seating, will run you between $350 to $800. The chairs you purchase should last at least 5 years. You will also need to consider the style, ergonomic design, and add-ons— bear in mind that each add-on will cost you more money.
For desks, you will need to budget $700 to $5000. You have two basic types of desks to choose from: solid wood veneer and laminate. Filing and storage capacity are the most important things to consider.
Your budget for workstations should range from $1200 to $4000. When purchasing these units, you should consider the number of people in your office and what they will need to enhance the efficiency with which they work.