It is natural tendency that we react with all new problem differently. Have thought why we react differently? Actually it is due to our nature, professional background, psychological traits, and numerous other factors. When we leave our professional jobs to switch for freelancing job, we face serious problems. It seems as we have sunk in the ocean of nothingness and there is no one to help us. This is totally a vague perception. Freelancing work is better than professional life. In freelancing business there is liberty, self reliance, smoothness and growth.
Below is the list of common problems faced by new freelancers. Take a look on problems and on their provided solutions:
“My clients are always in completely different time zones, how do I manage this?”
Time management is really important in freelancing business. When freelancers get projects from employers, must discuss their time schedules before beginning with the work flow. Once the time is settled, it will be easy for both parties to complete the tasks. It is recommended to new freelancers that they should set their timings as per the time zone of the employers. Once the project is assigned, set the timing schedule from beginning of the project till its completion. This sense of responsibility is really important for the new freelance professionals.
“I’m constantly dealing with multiple currencies and I find it challenging.”
Generally, in freelancing business USD currency is accepted. But, before accepting the project, you must check the current interbank rates on the financial websites. It is also recommended that figure out how much you would receive in your local currency. In freelancing business the currency variations are undeniable however always keep yourself updated about the rates of the currencies you are dealing with.
“I’ve got a large incoming cash flow (at the moment). Let’s go spend it.”
If you have earned a fraction of amount, do not waste it speedily. Freelancing business is totally unpredictable. Some time there will be rain of dollars and some time you would hardly earn a single dollar. Therefore, it is highly recommended by the seasoned freelancers not to waste your money in shopping. Try to save some bucks to in bank account for meeting with your growing financial unpaid business period.
“I love being my own boss, but it can be tiring.”
Being own boss is one of those reasons that pushes professionals to switch for freelancing jobs. But, it must not be forgotten that switching to freelancing from your professional career may affect your specialization to some extent. However, it is supposed to be tiring in some cases.
Jack/Jill of All Trades
In freelancing business, it is very important for the freelancers to offer top-notch quality to all customers. Besides, it is also recommended that there should be composed marketing, balanced financial expenditures and client oriented nature. Since this job is totally isolated, you need to hire multiple freelancers to carry out your jobs on daily basis.
I’ve lost my work-life balance
It is the common problem with all freelancers. If you are working from home, try to change your scenery by working from library, public places, parks etc.
Make Real-World Connections for Business
It must be in your mind that freelancing business is quite vast. There are plenty of opportunities for new and old freelancers. However, always balance your freelancing business by expanding your working network.
In the light of above mentioned facts and figures, it can be concluded as the freelancing business is quite vast and there is no shortage of work. It is like the freelancer is his own boss. There is no binding on your dress code or personal life. You can work whenever you want.