Considering the rapid changes occurring within the global workplace, one thing is for sure—it helps to look young and polished. Perhaps that it why more men are taking a cue from their female counterparts and investing in their most valuable stock—themselves.
According to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, between 2010 and 2015, the number of procedures performed on men increased 63%. The most common treatments sought after by men include injectables like Botulinum Toxin (Botox) and Xeomin, which they get in the same “problem areas” women do — the forehead, crows’ feet, and frown lines.
“With the advances in non-invasive cosmetic procedures and men’s skincare technology, it is clear that men are not immune to the pressures to look their best which is why more and more men are going in for cosmetic procedures,” said New York City cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Paul Jarrod Frank. “Looking tired or stressed is now less tolerated because quick fixes are easier than ever before.”
Botox is one of those cosmetic procedures that would be considered a “quick fix,” since around 82% of patients see an improvement within one week of treatment. Botox is an injectable treatment that fills in fine lines and creases, “plumping the skin.”
Frank suggested that one of the strongest factors encouraging men to pursue Botox and other cosmetic procedures is their career.
“I get a feeling that these men have younger people working with them and they feel aged out. Every career is sales and there is ageism and many of these people have prominent roles and they know how much better groomed they need to be and they have to keep up,” he said. “They have to consider their appearance as part of their entire package.”
In a recent survey, over half of respondents over the age of 50 agreed that a smile is the physical feature that stays the most attractive as we age. Skin, on the other hand, may not age as gracefully depending on a person’s lifestyle. However, as youth and attractiveness become more highly valued in the workplace, both men and women are choosing to rely on cosmetic procedures to help them reach career success.