This video discusses the best Minecraft server hosting. Choosing the best provider is often difficult for users. They need to measure several factors to determine which host is best.
One factor is the monthly cost. All players will naturally want to save as much money as possible. However, they will also want to get the most out of the provider’s services. Users will want lots of space, bandwidth, and player slots. They’ll also want to have a moving speed while playing the game.
PebbleHost is mentioned in the video as one of the best choices a person could make for Minecraft games. They have several plans to choose based on their financial status and needs. The least expensive plan is $2 a month, and the most expensive plan is $7.50 a month.
GGServers is another contender the speaker talks about. The speaker liked most about this provider’s ease of use it offered to all who tried it. The associates help new users to choose the plans that are the closest to what they need. The speed was the next favorite feature of using that particular server. He discusses a few more options in the video also.