Being a freelancer means to plan your work as per your own schedule. Freelancing offers you enough liberty to carry out your job responsibilities. It is not confined to certain limits. It is as vast as the horizon. Freelancing demands you to be marketing specialist. Exactly, in this profession you are your own boss. I have been in freelancing business since the last ten years. After years of freelancing exposure, I began to think that I must share my experience with those freelancers who are new in this business. Hence, adopt the following 25 tips for becoming a successful freelancer.
- Make a marketing/business plan:
This is one of the most important tips for you. Business or marketing plan helps you to understand variation of the market. When you begin with marketing or business plan always write that what are the challenges and how you will have to face them. - Plan your days ahead:
Before the beginning of your next week schedule always allocate 1 hour for planning. Actually, planning is necessary to set your objectives for completing the deadlines of the clients. - Use free software:
In freelancing the importance of software is undeniable. For checking the quality or duplication of content, it is necessary to have software. Clients do not compromise on the quality of the content. Hence, try to find free software for completing your freelancing projects in professional fashion. - Create an eye-catching logo:
There is always competition in the market. Unless you do not brand your business professionally, you cannot attract clients. Hence, creation of an eye-catching logo is necessary. Logo is the face of your business in the market. Clients will see that what message your freelancing logo conveys and how it is different from others. Besides, your logo should be same on the business cards as well as on the website. - Learn to say NO:
If you are already working with a client, never betray others by accepting the work load. Rather, you should clearly to say no to the new clients. Actually, acceptance to your new projects will last far reaching repercussions on your existing projects. However, it would be really gruesome situation for you to maintain the decency of the language. Hence, always say no if you are already working for a certain client. - Make a blog/website:
Today, the importance of a blog or website is undeniable. Running a business without website is like selling the fruit without applecart. Most of the clients find freelancer for their projects through websites, hence always make a blog/website to showcase what you offer. - Update your website regularly:
Your website must be updated on daily basis. Most of the clients check freelancer’s website before awarding the project. Therefore, always make your website updated before using it for marketing purpose. - Give your online visitors something free:
Your website must contain necessary information about the freelancing business. Your clients or online visitors must be given piece of advices for completing certain technical projects. It would not only improve your professional image but also helps you to attract potential clients to some extent. - Use social media:
Social media has filled the gaps between haves and haves not. No matter where you live, social media can help you to meet with your potential clients. Inevitably, advertisement through social media is quite easy as compared to other tools. Hence, for make your business famous and worldly known, always use twitter, face book and many other forums related to your business. - Get allies:
Allies means professional partners. Try to rub your shoulder with people working in the freelancing business. It will not only improve your experience but also give you countless projects through word of mouth. - Save for rainy days:
Freelancing business is totally unpredictable. I personally advise you save 20% of your earning income in your saving accounts. In case, there is no work in the market for few weeks or months, you should have some bucks to meet with your financial challenges. - Be creative:
Creativity is really important in the freelancing business. If you are creative, you can easily work on any project. Try to learn content variations and different styles of writing. - Reward loyal customers:
For making a long term relationship, it is necessary to reward your loyal customers. Offer them different discounts and try to win their hearts by working more than what they order. - Treat every client as if he is the only one:
You should be service oriented person. It must be in your chain of thoughts that your customer is the only one. Try to win his heart and mind by using decent words and language. Most of the people like those professionals who speak truth. Hence, never speak lie with your customers. - Work when you are at work:
Commitment with your schedule is more important than other things. If you have set your working time from 8 a.m to 5 p.m , never waste this time in other activities. I have noticed that most of the freelancers lose their potential clients due to this reason. Hence, never compromise with your working schedule. - Know when to start and stop:
If you think that consistent work without any break will flourish you then you are living in the fool’s paradise. You need to decide as per your own schedule that when you have to work and when you need to rest. Remember, relaxation is very important in freelancing business. - Keep your finances tidy:
Try to make your financial expenditures arranged in the professional manner. Set your time and date for paying the bills. It is also necessary for you to make whole year budget for you. Besides, fix a certain date for sending invoices to your clients. Once payment is successfully made, you will be able to see your earned funds in meaningful manner. - Remember to breathe:
Freelancing job is isolated in nature. Try to spend your time with your friends and colleagues. Breathing means to spend some time on your hobbies. It is really important for you to take care of yourself. - Make an inspirational string:
Unless you do not inspire yourself with quotes, wishes, and pictures you cannot smoothly sail in this business. Try to post inspiring quotations near wall of your work place. This will not only increase your stamina but also beautify your working place. - Be humble:
If you are an expert, never pose yourself as over confident. Over confidence coupled with arrogance will affect your work to largest extent. Hence, try to be humble and listen to what your clients say to you. - Look professional, in every way possible:
Being a boss of your business does not mean that you consider yourself as best. Try to meet with your clients politely and respectfully. Besides, show you website, logos and any other thing you invented to impress the new clients. It is a good way to market around. - Ask for feedback:
Feedback is very important to gauge your quality of work. Ask your clients, friends and colleagues how you work and what are you improvement areas. - Always carry a notebook around with you:
You should always carry a manual or digital note book with yourself. Who one when you are going to meet with new clients? Besides, there can be some meaningful ideas in your mind while you are traveling or driving. Note book is really important for writing the notes. Hence, always take note book wherever you go. - Take the time you need:
Once you are assigned a project, you should take your time to complete it. It must not be done in rough and tough manner. You are not writing for the first and last time. Your whole life is depending on this business. However, always take time to complete a certain project in professional manner.
19. Get out of the house occasionally (especially if you work from home):
If you are running your freelancing business from your home, try to spend your time at coffee shop or at any other place you like. It is good if you spend some hours with other freelancers at different locations. It would not only improve your performance but also give you enough time to relax yourself.