When some people think of the word “freelance,” they may think of one person working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. But three mothers working in the fashion industry are changing that stereotype by proving that being a freelance entrepreneur truly can lead to success.
The women were recently profiled by CNNMoney, who interviewed each woman about her daily routine. The women include Rosie Pope, founder of Rosie Pope Maternity; Rachelle Hruska MacPherson, founder of the blog “Guest of a Guest”; and Zanna Rassi Roberts, senior fashion editor at Marie Claire, in addition to a guest on “Project Runway All Stars.”
Some of these moms are even able to put their kids on that yellow school bus every morning. Those buses first appeared in 1939, but the idea of freelancing has gone on for far longer, and as time goes on, the opportunities to freelance and grow businesses have become much greater.
However, these careers don’t come without a lot of dedication.
Pope, who has also authored “Mommy IQ: The Complete Guide to Pregnancy” and founded her Momprep classes, says that her routine begins at 4 a.m., when she gets up to get ready and take care of her youngest children. She works during the day, has family dinners in the evenings, and then collaborates with her husband between 8 p.m. and midnight.
What keeps her motivated? Thinking about her children’s future.
“As your business becomes more successful, no driven person says, ‘Oh I don’t want to make it more successful,'” she said.
MacPherson, a CEO whose website chronicles the high life in New York City, starts her days a little bit later, working from home between 7 and 10 a.m. She uses a nanny to help her take care of her children during the day, something unfamiliar to the Nebraska native.
The secrets to her success are her morning “to-do” lists and the location of her office: only three blocks from her New York City apartment.
Finally, Roberts perhaps wears the most hats, so to speak, of the three women: she works for a magazine and appears on TV from time to time on the E! Network. She’s also a new mom and went back to work three weeks after the birth of her twin girls three months ago because she’s a freelancer.
While she uses a nanny, she also admits that she’s attempting to be more conscientious of her time when working. Given her different obligations for her different assignments, this is crucial for any freelancer looking to budget his or her time wisely.